Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis Core



About us


The Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis Core Facility (BEA), is a genomic service facility located at the department of Biosciences and Nutrition in the NEO building, KI Campus Flemingsberg. BEA provides an extensive repertoire of genomic technologies to ongoing research projects principally at the Karolinska Institute but also at other Swedish universities and companies. Our goal is to facilitate research projects by providing expertise and service in the field of genomic analysis.

This includes services for genomic analysis based on the Illumina, Affymetrix, Agilent, and ABI platforms for massive parallel sequencing, microarray analysis and qPCR. BEA aims to provide high quality and internationally competitive infrastructure and service including associated data analysis. Importantly, BEA offers comprehensive pay-for-service solutions at all stages of the analysis from experimental design to bioinformatic support.

BEA provides resources and services to support research needs for high-throughput experimental sample preparation, planning and QC for genomic analysis. The analyses are performed with different sequencing and microarray platforms which support a number of different applications. . BEA operates as a core facility offering services with a strict “fee-for-service” and “firstcome-first-served” principle. The overall principle for financing the operations at BEA is that customer fees cover costs for reagents, smaller operating investments, service agreements and KI indirect costs (INDI).

BEA advertises the services on the BEA Website the different assays provided and updated pricelists for the different types of analysis can be found. A project can be initiated usually after consultation and information about the different available analysis methods and after an order form is formally signed. The queue time for a project at BEA will start when samples are handed to the core facility.

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

9:00AM - 16:00PM           

BEA core faciliy,

NEO building, Elevator S, Floor 6

Hälsovägen 7c

14183 Huddinge



Name Role Phone Email Location
Fredrik Fagerström Billai
PI / Head of faciliy
08-524 835 43
BEA Huddinge
Susann Fält
Research Engineer
08-524 831 13
BEA Huddinge
Patrick Muller
Research Engineer
08-524 810 22
BEA Huddinge
Ashwini Gajulapuri
Research Engineer
08-524 831 13
BEA Huddinge
Carolina Bonilla Karlsson
Research Engineer
08-524 831 13
BEA Huddinge
Tassos Damdimopoulos
08-524 831 13
BEA Huddinge
David Brodin
08-524 831 13
BEA Huddinge

Service & price list

Search available services:
Name Description Price
Illumina DNA PCR free Inquire
Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus Inquire